
Hi, I’m Chung, the founder of, I’ve been running a factory in China that makes ECO egg trays, and the purpose of this article is to share with you the knowledge related to ECO packages from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

How pulp egg cartons can help reduce food waste

How pulp egg cartons can help reduce food waste

There are various ways that pulp egg cartons might help decrease food waste: Ultimately, pulp egg cartons can contribute to the reduction of food waste by offering a sustainable packaging option that is readily recyclable or biodegradable and protects the food they contain.

The environmental benefits of using pulp egg cartons

Compared to plastic egg cartons, pulp egg cartons have several advantages for the environment. Some of the most notable reasons that pulp egg cartons are ecologically favorable are listed below: 1. Biodegradable: Pulp egg cartons are an environmentally beneficial alternative since they are constructed of natural, biodegradable materials like paper pulp. Pulp egg cartons may

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