Mai 2023

Die Rolle der Verpackung bei der Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen: Wie Zellstoffkartons das Problem angehen

Nourishment squander may be a major issue that influences the whole nourishment industry, from makers to shoppers. In truth, it is assessed that around one-third of all nourishment created for human utilization is misplaced or squandered universally each year. This not as it were has critical financial results, but too natural ones, counting nursery gas

Die Rolle der Verpackung bei der Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen: Wie Zellstoffkartons das Problem angehen Weiterlesen »

Die Rolle der Verpackung bei der Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen: Wie Zellstoffkartons das Problem angehen

Nourishment squandering may be a major issue that influences the whole nourishment industry, from makers to shoppers. In truth, it is assessed that around one-third of all nourishment created for human utilization is misplaced or squandered universally each year. This not as it were has critical financial results, but too natural ones, counting nursery gas

Die Rolle der Verpackung bei der Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen: Wie Zellstoffkartons das Problem angehen Weiterlesen »

Eierkartons aus Zellstoff

Nachhaltigkeit in Aktion: Der Lebenszyklus von Zellstoff-Eierkartons

In today’s world, maintainability has ended up a key center for numerous businesses, counting bundling. With the developing concern of almost the effect of plastic squandering on the environment, there’s a requirement for more maintainable options. Mash egg cartons are one such illustration of eco-friendly bundling that has picked up notoriety in later a long

Nachhaltigkeit in Aktion: Der Lebenszyklus von Zellstoff-Eierkartons Weiterlesen »

Reduzierung von Plastikmüll: Wie Zellstoff-Eierkartons einen Unterschied machen

Plastic squander may be a major natural issue that we confront nowadays, and it’s influencing each portion of our lives, counting our nourishment. The egg industry is no special case, with the larger part of egg cartons still made from plastic. Be that as it may, there’s a arrangement that’s making a contrast – mash

Reduzierung von Plastikmüll: Wie Zellstoff-Eierkartons einen Unterschied machen Weiterlesen »

Eierkartons aus Zellstoff

Umweltbewusste Eierverpackung: Wie Zellstoffkartons die Spielregeln verändern

In today’s world, increasingly individuals are getting to be mindful of the affect their choices have on the environment. This has driven to a developing request for eco-friendly items, counting maintainable bundling. One such advancement that has picked up notoriety is mash egg cartons. These cartons are made from reused paper and are biodegradable, making

Umweltbewusste Eierverpackung: Wie Zellstoffkartons die Spielregeln verändern Weiterlesen »

Pulp Eierkartons POP

Rette den Planeten!

Holen Sie sich kostenlose Proben für Ihr Leben

Pulp Eierkartons POP

Rette den Planeten!

Holen Sie sich kostenlose Muster